Friday, September 14, 2012

The Wrong Bet: Why Common Curriculum & Standards Won’t Help, World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Learners.

Zhao, Y. "The Wrong Bet: Why Common Curriculum & Standards Won’t Help, World Class learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Learners. " Pp. 23 – 45 Reading one Worlds class Learners

   How do we know that countries are ready for global homogenization learning programs? Will the programs be fitted to different cultural, economical and social backgrounds and learning perspectives? What will the outcome of the students exposed to these international platforms be? According to Young Zhao, the idea of implementing in schools a Common Core of Standards to set high international norms on specific subjects should not be applied because teachers and students learning perspective is drifting away from the reflective and creative process of acquiring knowledge. It is only focusing on teaching for the tests and passing these to prove that students are globally competitive. So the teacher and student viewpoint instead of evolving into higher thinking level it has diminished to memorizing terms and procedures. Countries are using the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International for Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) as the learning platform to ensure students success. On the other hand, the limitation subjects in which the Common Core Standards focuses (English and math and in some countries in science) has left out other disciplines that enrich the cultural background and perspective of students knowledge.

Young Zhao describes two types of educational systems in the world: one which is based on a central government education authority that establishes what students should learn though out national curriculum and a second one which does not have a national control on learning and the curriculum program decisions are taken by the local authorities. My point of view is that education should programs should be in the midpoint because there are disciplines that are essential but the way they should be approach can be different to make learning meaningful and representative to students. Where students are not boxed or guided by the instructor to reach the same outcome; instead students should be given the opportunity to experience and reach different answers and solutions to a problem or perspective. Learning standards will be different in each level and for each country. Some countries may come to an agreement because they have educational, economical, social and political similarities while other countries won’t, do to their structures and that doesn’t mean that students won’t be able to pursue their aspirations. Zhao’s perspective on how will the outcomes be for those students that are in the Common Core Standard and what will happen if they don’t turn out to be the globalized generation citizens that were promised since little kids? That is a matter that worries because this generation is been promised success and high ranked jobs. But learning is more than passing standardized testing and the ones that have the understanding of knowledge will have a plus that will bring them to the top of their careers.

Education is something I reflect daily when I plan, teach and especially when I analyze the final learning outcome. When thinking of traditional education paradigms they do clash with what we experience today in an actual classroom setting. Where the resources, the teachers and the students have a different perspective of what is knowledge and what can you do with it in real life scenarios. In today’s learning the curricula is based on international platforms and we are part of this evolution by being the link between knowledge, skills and technology. But let’s go back to these traditional learning paradigms, in which some of us where part of them because we experience these as student or as teachers as well. Where knowledge and professional development was limited locally depending on the countries political, economical and social needs. When I think of what I experienced and if that affected any sort of life opportunity, I can recall that my schooling did offer diverse curriculum programs that at that time gave a plus in the community. So I don’t really regret my education. I probably would of liked to have all of the fields of college studies that exist today which offer different specialized jobs. But let’s face it; fields of study evolve because the world’s evolves too. Keeping myself up dated via mass media, courses or seminars have helped me fight those deficiencies and keep me updated. 

The learners we are preparing for the future do have a different asset of knowledge and skills than we do. The instructions I offer in class are aligned with the MYP and IB principles, which are international standards. I am a technology integrator that follows the MYP Design Cycle that allows students to perform their learning according to their own inquiry needs and reflection, to be creative and innovative in all working stages. My objective is to prepare them for the real world but at the same time I cover basic learning steps to give them support and skills. As an educator I am the one that needs to cope up with world changes and be up dated in order to build up learners for the world. It is not only to teach them to pass a test to prove they are globalized citizens, it is to make them go beyond memory to the understanding of a concept and making it part of their knowledge.


Zhao, Y. (2012). The Wrong Bet. Why Common Curriculum & Standards Won’t Help. In Z. Yong, World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Learners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alejandra! You made me reflect that we always think on what students should be learning and teachers should be teaching; however, educational systems should focus more on the professional development of teachers so their improvements reflect on the quality of education offered to students. A knowledgeable teacher will know how to apply any curriculum and make the best of it. Thank you!
